I need advance care planning

Advance Care Planning is a process of reflection and communication. It is a time for you to reflect on your values and wishes, and to let people know what kind of health and personal care you would want in the future if you were unable to speak for yourself to consent to or to refuse treatment or other care.
The Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association is pleased to provide a series of resources to assist with Advance Care Planning process. It is recommended that in addition to reviewing and or utilizing some of the resources below that you discuss the process with those close to you, your medical professional and/or legal professional to ensure that you have the supports needed for your specific situation.
Steps to make your plan
Featured Resource
Advance Care Planning Workbook
The Advance Care Planning Workbook is a general guide that helps you understand what is involved in advance care planning, provides useful definitions, tips and can be used as a first step in the advance care planning process.
Helpful Tools
Death Over Dinner
This is an American website, so please be advised there may be some difference in legislation and terminology but, it does contain some useful tips on starting the conversation.
The Conversation Project
This is an American website, so please be advised there may be some difference in legislation and terminology but, it does contain some useful tips on starting the conversation.